How Long is 5-7 Business Days?

So, you’ve just made an online purchase, and the confirmation email hits your inbox. Exciting, right? But wait, the shipping time says it’ll take “5-7 business days.” Cue the confusion and rapid Google searches. What does that actually mean? How long will you have to wait for your new gadget, book, or pair of shoes? Well, folks, let’s break it down.

So, What’s a Business Day Anyway?

First off, let’s get this straight: a business day is any weekday that isn’t a public holiday. Yup, that’s right! So Monday through Friday are your regular candidates, but weekends are out of the picture. Same goes for those public holidays—Thanksgiving, New Year’s Day, you name it. They don’t count.

Doing the Math

Let’s say you place an order on a Monday, and the shipping time is 5-7 business days. The earliest you could expect your package would be the following Monday (that’s five business days later). On the flip side, if things take a bit longer, the package might arrive by Wednesday of the next week. See what I’m getting at?

Unexpected Delays

Now, hang on a sec! Life’s not always smooth sailing. Weather disruptions, shipping errors, or just plain old high demand can throw a wrench into the works. So, while those 5-7 business days give you a general idea, they’re not set in stone. It’s always a good idea to allow for a little wiggle room.

What About Weekends?

Ah, weekends! They’re great for Netflix marathons and sleeping in, but not so much for shipping times. If you order something late on a Friday, don’t start counting those 5-7 business days until the next Monday rolls around. Weekends just don’t count, sad but true.

Keeping an Eye Out

Sure, waiting for a package can be like watching paint dry. But hey, most companies offer tracking services these days. Keep tabs on your package’s journey so that you’re not left guessing. Who knows, sometimes you might get lucky, and it arrives sooner than expected!

Wrapping It Up

So there you have it! The mysterious “5-7 business days” roughly translates to one to one and a half weeks, give or take. It’s not an exact science, but now you’ve got the gist. Happy shopping, and may all your packages arrive in the speediest of fashions!


What does “5-7 business days” mean?

The term “5-7 business days” refers to a time frame of 5 to 7 weekdays and excludes weekends and public holidays.

Do weekends count in business days?

No, weekends do not count when calculating business days. Only Monday through Friday are considered.

By Julia

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