How many Business Cards Fit on a Page?

The art of printing business cards involves more than just design; it’s also about optimizing space. Ever wondered how many business cards can fit on a single page? This article breaks it down for you, offering valuable insights and FAQs to make the most of your print runs.

Factors Affecting Card Layout

The number of business cards on a page is influenced by paper size, card dimensions, and printer settings. Let’s delve into the specifics.

Paper Size

Common paper sizes include A4, Letter, and Legal. The number of cards per page will vary depending on the dimensions.

Business Card Dimensions

Standard business card dimensions are 3.5 x 2 inches. However, variations exist, affecting the number of cards per sheet.

Printer Settings

Using ‘borderless’ or ‘edge-to-edge’ printing options may allow for more cards per page but can be riskier in terms of alignment.

Number of Cards by Paper Size

A4 Paper

An A4 sheet typically accommodates 10 standard-size business cards.

Letter Paper

For Letter-size paper, you can generally fit 8 to 10 standard business cards.

Legal Paper

Legal-size paper can usually accommodate up to 12 standard business cards.


Knowing how many business cards fit on a page is vital for efficient printing. Be mindful of the paper size, card dimensions, and printer settings to optimize your layout. Use this article and its FAQs as a handy guide for your next print job.


Does card orientation affect the number of cards per page?

Card orientation (portrait or landscape) can impact the layout but not usually the number of cards per page.

What are bleed areas, and how do they impact layout?

Bleed areas are extra spaces that allow for design elements to extend beyond the card’s edges. This could reduce the number of cards per page.

By Julia

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