How to Acquire Sweet Business in Destiny 2


How to Acquire Sweet Business in Destiny 2?It’s a powerhouse. With a high rate of fire and a large magazine, this auto rifle can shred enemies with ease. Here’s how to get it.

Step 1: Unlocking the Base Exotic Quest

The first hurdle is getting the exotic quest. The Basics of the Quest can be found in random loot drops. Keep playing activities to maximize your chances.

Step 2: Follow the Quest Marker

Once you’ve grabbed the quest, open your director. Locate the quest marker on the map and start your journey.

Step 3: Complete the Objectives

Your next task? Take down enemies and collect quest items. You’ll need these to advance.

How to Acquire Sweet Business in Destiny 2

Step 4: Return to the Tower

After all objectives are met, head back to the Tower. Locate your quest-giver to complete the mission.

Step 5: Equip Your Sweet Business

Finally, open your inventory and equip your newly-acquired Sweet Business. It’s time to show your power!

Tips for Maximizing Sweet Business

Opt for armor that boosts auto rifle damage and consider pairing it with an exotic that enhances reload speed.


Acquiring Sweet Business in Destiny 2 is more than worth the effort. Implement this guide and take your game to the next level.

Final Thoughts

Sweet Business is a game-changer. Obtain it, and you’re one step closer to becoming a Destiny 2 legend. With this guide, you’re well on your way.


Is Sweet Business Available for All Classes?

Yes, any Destiny 2 character can wield this beast.

How Long Does it Take to Complete the Quest?

Around 3-5 hours, depending on your skill and activity choice

By Julia

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