How to Remove Myself from a Facebook Business Page?


Whether you’re no longer associated with a business or simply looking to declutter your digital footprint, knowing how to remove yourself from a Facebook Business Page can be essential. This article will guide you through the process, offering tips and FAQs for a seamless exit.

Prerequisites for Removal

How to Remove Myself from a Facebook Business Page?

Before diving into the removal process, ensure you have admin or editor privileges on the Business Page. You can’t remove yourself from a page where you hold lesser roles like a viewer or analyst.

Access Settings

Firstly, log in to your Facebook account and navigate to the Business Page settings.

Locate User Roles

From the settings, scroll down to the “Page Roles” section, where you’ll see a list of all people associated with the page.

Initiate Removal

Find your name and click the ‘Remove’ button. Confirm the action when prompted.

Sign Out and In

Log out of your Facebook account and log back in to complete the removal process.


Removing yourself from a Facebook Business Page is a straightforward process, but one that requires careful attention to detail. Be sure to consider the prerequisites and steps outlined in this guide to ensure a smooth transition.


What happens to the Business Page after I leave?

If there are other admins, they will continue to manage the page. If you’re the sole admin, you must assign another person as admin before you can remove yourself.

Can I rejoin the Business Page later?

Yes, but you’ll need to be re-invited by an existing admin.

By Julia

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