How to cancel amazon business account?

If you’re considering How to cancel amazon business account?it’s important to know the steps involved to ensure a smooth closure. This guide will walk you through the process.

Log in to Your Account: The Initial Step

Start by logging in to your Amazon Business account. Make sure you have admin access as only administrators can close the account.

How to cancel amazon business account?

Navigate to Settings: Access the Control Panel

Once logged in, head to the ‘Settings’ tab usually located at the top right-hand corner of your dashboard.

Account Management: Where the Action Happens

Under Settings, click on ‘Account Management.’ This will direct you to the section where you can find account closure options.

Request Account Closure: Pulling the Trigger

After entering the Account Management section, look for the ‘Close Account‘ option. Click on it, and follow the prompts to initiate the closure.

Confirm and Finalize: The Last Step

You’ll receive an email asking you to confirm the account closure. Click the link in the email to finalize the process.

Conclusion: A Smooth Exit Strategy

Canceling your Amazon Business account doesn’t have to be complicated. By following these steps, you can ensure that the process is as seamless as possible. Remember to double-check all relevant information and documents before pulling the plug.


Do I need admin access to close the account?

Yes, only account administrators can close an Amazon Business account.

How long does it take for the account to close?

It typically takes about 14-30 days for the account to be fully closed.

By Julia

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