How to Run a Business in BitLife?


BitLife is a life simulation game that allows players to make various choices, including career paths and business ventures. If you’re keen to run a business within this virtual world, you’re in the right place. Here’s how to go about it.

Getting Started

Before you can own a business in BitLife, make sure you’ve accumulated some wealth and completed higher education. This sets the groundwork for your entrepreneurial journey.

Choosing a Business

BitLife offers a variety of businesses to choose from. Whether it’s a tech startup or a retail store, make sure you pick something that aligns with your character’s skills.

How to Run a Business in BitLife

Running the Business

After acquiring a business, it’s time to manage it. Make sure to keep an eye on your profits and make necessary upgrades or changes as needed.

Business Challenges

BitLife will throw random events and challenges at you. How you handle these can significantly affect the success of your business.

Selling Your Business

If you ever decide to cash out, you can opt to sell your business. The sale price will depend on how well you’ve managed the venture.


Running a business in BitLife adds an extra layer of excitement and complexity to the game. By making smart choices and managing your venture wisely, you can build a lucrative empire within this simulated environment.

Final Thoughts

If you’ve ever dreamed of becoming an entrepreneur but want to test the waters first, running a business in BitLife is a fun and engaging way to learn the ropes. With proper planning and execution, you can turn your virtual enterprise into a booming success.


Do I need a college degree to run a business in BitLife?

Although not strictly required, a higher level of education can increase your chances of running a successful business.

Is running a business profitable in BitLife?

Yes, but the amount of profit depends on various factors like your character’s skills and the type of business you’re running.

By Julia

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